Saturday, September 25, 2010

To Reproduce?

Q: I have been dating the same guy off and on for almost two years now. We’ve broken up before because he has cheated, but I believe he will finally be faithful to me. I have two friends that were in the same relationship situation as me, and they both now have babies. Their boyfriends seem super supportive of them. Should I try to have a baby to make my relationship better?

A: No! I hate this question times a thousand. A baby will not save a relationship. Please, write it on a sticky note, tape it to your bathroom mirror, get it tattooed on your lower back. Babies are not a solution! Having a baby makes a relationship harder. There are more things to worry about: housing issues, money troubles, different parenting styles, the list can go on and on and on. It sounds like your boyfriend might not be ready to settle down and start a happy family quite yet. If he has been unfaithful to you, especially multiple times, that is a sign that he is obviously not ready for commitment. The last thing you want to do is throw a child in the mix and then have your boyfriend leave for good. Then you’re forced to go into single parenthood, which is damaging not only for you, but for your baby as well. And how would you feel if you found out later in life your parents conceived you not out of love, not out of wanting to start their own family, but because they wanted to save the relationship. Especially if they were no longer together? You would feel terrible, possibly blame yourself for the failed relationship of your parents. Do me a favor, and don’t do it! Only try for a baby once you are in a healthy, committed relationship, and taking that next step is agreed on with both you and your partner. Don’t be selfish here, girlfriend. There are more people than just yourself you need to consider before making that decision.

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